Sunday, June 3, 2012

THE WALKERS - Please sit down, I'll be right with you. SIT DOWN!!!
The walkers are the people that cannot sit still, sit down, or let you take care of them at the restaurant. For some odd reason they don't understand the concept that a restaurant has table service. I’m not sure if their seat is uncomfortable or is spring loaded, but they can't seem to sit down and stay down. 
The break down: 
Customer comes in and does approximately two laps of the restaurant ignoring my greetings. Finally the antsy patron narrows in on one table that feels right and sits reluctantly down. I bring a menu over and finally am able to give a proper greeting. I walk away in hopes that he will look at the menu and take it in. I am hopeful yet again know this idea of normalcy will fail. The customer is out of their seat taking in the drink board behind the bar or walking up to our open kitchen counter asking questions. It takes me a minute to figure out this is the same exact customer that just sat and not a new customer. "I'll be right over to your table, we have full table service" I say with a pleading and patient tone. "Oh Okay" the patron says as they continue to stare wildly around and returning to their seat. (In my head I think: SIT DOWN!!!) I manage to finally get an order from "antsy pantsy" and walk away. In the time it takes the food to come the customer has done a lap outside and inside the restaurant, gone to the bathroom, picked up a weekly paper, and come up to the bar. (SIT DOWN!!!) I bring the food out to "Mr. I Can't Sit Still" and check if they need anything else. I walk away and feel a strange sensation behind like I'm being followed..... guess what I am. The antsy pantsy customer is behind me holding food and asking questions about the beers.(SIT DOWN!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SIT DOWN!!!!). I get the drink order and let them know calmly that I will bring it over to the table. While pouring beer, I notice the same customer ordering more food from the kitchen. (WTF!!! SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!!). This continues on and on for the extent of the visit and all the while I keep sweetly suggesting that I will serve you at the table. 

Common types that portray this behavior:

Middle Aged Single Men - I believe that they are using the restaurant as an exercise in control. (SIT DOWN!!)

Soccer Moms - Everything MUST be perfect for little Billy's team party. Mom just can't sit still and practically guides you in how to serve their table. (NO, REALLY.. SIT DOWN!!! I GOT THIS.)

Crazy People -  Literally... crazy people! They appear normal until they start with the odd behavior. I actually had a guy exhibit all the behavior above but then added the special touches of standing on a chair and talking to the window and walls. (UH... SIT DOWN!! AND STOP TALKING TO THE WALLS)

I will never understand this mentality. Why go out to eat? Please understand that most competent servers are aware of the needs of the customer... we got you. 


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